36.46 PORTUGAL, Tomar, The Guardians of the Castle

With the group of the Tree of Life Foundation we are sitting in the garden of the Templar Castle of Tomar, near the old tree. 

“We are the guardians of this place, the living ones, and we guard the memories. Because our memories are very slow. They are in our roots and in the earth. We remember the times when human beings lived here, from centuries ago. Not only the Templars, but also the Arab people, the Roman people, the Celtic tribes, way back to the beginning of this powerful place. We have always been here, holding the energy of this gate to the other world. It is a place of healing and power. It’s been forgotten, people moved away. But you are the ones who heard the call to come back and to activate this awareness again in your own consciousness. The inner sword, the inner grail, masculine and feminine. Both needed to awaken the crown consciousness. 

Nature is the best way to connect to that divine spark. Because it brings you to stillness, to the world beyond. This is where the power is and this is where we are in continuous connection with. We bridge the unseen world with the visible world, the roots with the branches. So the more you delve into stillness, the more you will feel the power of the heart beating. And thus the gate between the worlds opens. Your heart is the key.”
