OCTOBER 2 – 6, 2024,
Hotel Templarios, Tomar

We like to invite you for a special ‘council’: 4 days in the old capital of the Templars of Portugal, Tomar, to come together, bring all of our talents and gifts together for a specific purpose: to organize a world wide ceremony for the earth in 2025!

During many years we have been doing ceremonies on sacred places. From Mount Sinai in Egypt to mount Pico in the Azores. From Kumgangsan, the golden mountains in North Korea, to Virunga, the volcanoes in Rwanda. Each time we experienced the immense power of transformation and a shift in consciousness.

Ritual and ceremonies are a great way to achieve a change in consciousness: it connects us to the primal forces of nature, reminds us of who we are, and gives us the courage and power to do what is necesary: to make a leap of faith, follow our soul and become of service to the earth we are living on.

Next year, on november 20th 2025, during the climate Conference in the Amazon in Brasil, we want to organize a next global ceremony; a moment to bring the tribes together and to connect to Mother Earth. We would like to invite you to help us organise this: to tune in, to co-create, to walk the labyrinth together so we can manifest the magic.
Our goal is to focus and connect as many groups, nations and people worldwide to organize paralel ceremonies simultaneous with the Climate conference in Belem. Together we will make a difference!
Will you connect with like minded souls, and become part of a network of earthwarriors?

To kickstart this global event, we will get together in Tomar from 2-6 October. Four days to tune in, meditate, plan, organize and take next steps.

We will stay in the comfortable Hotel Dos Templarios, at the foot of the famous castle Convento do Christo, the headquarters of the Templar knights in Portugal. From here they organized their explorations around the New World: South America. The Convento was their place of initiation, built on top of an old Celtic powerplace, on the border of the river Thamarus.

Are you feeling called to join? Do you want to be one of the ambassadors and help this ceremony come into being? Are you willing to take leadership for the ceremony in your country or home, in service to the earth?

If this resonates you are very welcome, whoever you are, wherever you’re from. Let’s tune in to what is needed in this pivotal time in the history of mankind.

Ton, Anne, Eran


‘Through the ages there have been sacred warriors who fought from their heart to restore order in the kingdom. They were men and women who had heard the call of their heart and the call of the divine and who gave themselves to a higher cause. They were part of an old tradition of the heart who upheld the ethics and the sacred laws of the universe. Whether they were called Essenes or Cathars, Troubadours or Templars, Poets or Minstrels; they were people who were striving to do good for a society, who brought in their stone to build a cathedral of love.

As we have just entered the 21st century, our world is again in need of these Warriors of the Heart. Young and old people who are ready to face the immense challenges of today’s world. It is the inner call for the divine, especially in times of chaos and change, that brings people together to form an alliance. An alliance to serve the divine feminine and the divine masculine. It will start with a few, and it will grow into a thousand. Men and women who are committed to follow their soul path and to serve humanity.

It is these Templars of the 21st century that we are calling to come together. Leaders and rebels, scientists and artists, consultants and change agents of many backgrounds. People who are willing to overcome the major polarities of today: to connect science with spirituality, ecology with art, politics with personal development. We love to invite you to join and co-create the templates of the future.”

We work with the principles of Open Space, meaning we create the program together on the spot. We are all leaders of our own lives, and at the same time participants. The schedule is based on meeting twice a day in a circle (morning and evening) and we create the rest of the daily program together depending on what’s important in each moment. In our groups we work on three levels: the first level is each one’s individual story and challenges, the second level is the group dynamic and constellation and the third level is the collective field: what is happening on a mythological or archetypal level?
NB. You can only participate for the whole event, starting with the opening ceremony on the first evening, and ending on the closing ceremony the last morning.

The Open Space principles are:
1. The people who are there, are the right people

2. Whatever happens, is the right thing to happen

3. When it begins, it begins

4. When it is over, it is over

5. Follow the Law of Two Feet
6. Expect the unexpected

The facilitators are Ton van der Kroon and Anne Wislez, in co-operation with Eran Markose, who have been guiding many gatherings in different places all over the world: Ethiopia, Sinai, Bali, Egypt, Israel, Belgium, The Azores etc.

The event will take place in hotel Dos Templarios in Tomar. This spacious and luxurious hotel is just next to the center of Tomar and has a view on the old templar castle, Convento do Christo.

The hotel can easily be reached by plane to Lisbon and then 2 hours by train. Flights from Amsterdam and Brussel to Lisboa are rather cheap in oktober. You can take any metro from the airport and step out at trainstation Lisboa Oriente. Here you buy a ticket for the 2 hour direct train to Tomar for € 10,90. The final trainstation is Tomar. You can walk from the trainstation to the hotel in 15 minutes.

Start: Oct. 2nd 18:00 PM Ending: oct 6th, 13:00 PM
You can only participate for the whole event.


Since this is a council, and not a workshop or seminar, we will only charge the costs of the venue.
To make up for the costs of facilitation and organization we would love it if you would send us a donation.

1. COSTS OF ACCOMMODATION: € 550, including accommodation in a 2 person room, breakfast and dinner and conference -venue. To be paid to IBAN: NL90 INGB 0008216143, BICcode: INGBNL2A, Tree of Life. For a single room there is an additional cost of € 160. Extra nights before or after can be booked at the hotel. Lunch is optional in the town.
IBAN: NL67 TRIO 0338 9423 43
3. Please send an email to Your registration will only be confirmed once the payment is received. Nb. Please book as soon as possible, since places are limited and flights are cheaper!

In case of cancellation, there is a a cancellation fee of € 100 two weeks before the start of the event. After that the whole amount has to be paid.


1. All participants are present from beginning till end. You can only participate for the whole event. The conference starts with dinner and the opening ceremony on the first night, and ends on the last morning with a closing ceremony.
2.No drugs of any sort are permitted, and we like you to limit alcohol, coffee and meat.
3. Your participation is at your own responsibility. Of course we will do anything possible to make your stay as safe and comfortable as possible, but we can’t take any responsibility for your safety, nor for your emotional, physical or financial well being.
4. Make sure you have a valid passport and travel insurance.
5. We are guests in another country, another culture and maybe for some of us another religion. Please respect the local customs, rules, dresscode and formalities.
6. Note that the main language spoken on the conference will be in English.
7. We will be using Open Space, a way to give space to that what wants to reveal itself and to connect to that what resonates inside of you. Open Space gives the possibility to expect the unexpected, out of your own inspiration, out of the group, out of the moment. It is a sometimes discomforting method but one that can reveal magic beyond our imagination – or so we discovered.
8. The aim of ‘the New Templars’ is to unite people of all faiths, all backgrounds and all ages and to recognise each other as participants of one humanity, one race, one earth. It is nót our intention to promote an age old christian anti-muslim or anti jewish ideal, nor do we believe in a dark government, Cabal, illuminati or any conspiracy theories about the Templars. We like to focus on the heart, not the mind.

After the Celts, the Romans, the Visigoths and the Arabs were inhabiting Tomar, it became the capital of the templars in the late 12th century. It was rebuilt by Gualdim de Pais, the fourth Grand Master of the Knights Templar of Portugal. The town was especially important in the 15th century when it was a center of Portuguese overseas expansion under Henry the Navigator, the Grand Master of the Order of Christ, successor organization to the Knights Templar in Portugal. They found a whole new world on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean: South America.




02 - 06 Oct 2024


18:00 - 13:00


Hotel Dos Templarios