29.34 ISRAEL, Jerusalem, Ceremony of Renewal

“In a few day’s time you will enter the new moon. It’s a womb time. It’s the unseen, the unknown. You will go down to the Valley of Death to transform the energies and bring new life. This is the major process that you are going through, to delve deep inside your own bodies, to delve deep in your own soul to that which is hidden. To bring in an alchemical process, and new life to the surface. 

When it’s a full moon on the 8th of November, part of the moon is being hidden, unseen. And it’s this energy of the eclipse that reveals the secrets of the forgotten feminine. The Black Moon Lilith or the Black Madonna, the dark goddess, the goddess of the womb, the Creatrix or the Caelliach. She is there, all alone, through the ages, birthing men, birthing time, birthing new life. Without her everything would deteriorate and become shallow and die. 

It’s in the desert that new life will bloom. It’s from the darkness that new light will shine forth. It is from the void that the voice will speak of a new future. You are the midwives, both men and women, holding space for this new energy to emerge. So know that what happens in your body and in your psyche is all part of this birthing process. You are being stretched to the limit. So breathe through it and stay neutral in the process, don’t take it personal. It’s all part of you being the priests and priestesses of a ceremony of renewal.” 
