29.27 ISRAEL, Lake Kinneret, The Turning of the Wheel

With Annelies, tuning into The Gathering of the Tribes. 

‘Now that you’ve come together at the Lake Kinneret, all be it in spirit and not in the body, your work has started: the Gathering of the Tribes. This was not so much the title, but the task. To bring tribes from all over the world, from different religions, from different nations together in unity. In respect, in honour, in prayer. It is this connection to the higher energy that unites you all. And when all these tribes are holding the space and surrendering to their common purpose, the wheel starts turning. The wheel is the wheel of evolution, the wheel of destiny. It can only start turning by conscious effort. By humans who are stepping over their own boundaries, opening up the boarders of their heart and their mind to connect with each other. It doesn’t mean losing your individuality or uniqueness, instead it is celebrating your differences and uniqueness – and thus become truely human. It is honouring your own tribe and the world tribe, the thirteenth tribe of oneness.

By turning the wheel you activate this oneness.

In the middle of the lake there is this power, a wisdom from times long forgotten. It is the wisdom of the sacred feminine, you could call it the grail, or the arc, or Magdalene, or Sarah, or Hagar, it has many names, the goddess has many names. But it is her energy that unites people and embraces them, to heal and transform from a mindset of duality and war and conflict to a mindset, a heartset of connection. Healing, uniting. It demands from men to be supportive, to hold the space, to honour that what they longed for most: to connect with this divine feminine. Because it is their fulfillment. It is the knight who finds the grail and thus heals the land. 

That what has been broken will be restored. That what was erased from history will return. There will be a new ackowledgement of the indigenous wisdom, of the tribes that have been forgotten or pushed down. 

Open up your circle. Open up your Gathering to all who feel called to join the turning of the wheel. It is bringing leaders together, in their own field. Because open space is mainly a gathering of leaders. But not leaders in the old sense. Anyone can be a leader when he steps forward, or when she steps forward, and takes the lead. This is the call for all of humanity: follow the heart, take the lead, and become united. Aho.’
