‘I call upon the power of the Grandmothers. The Grandmothers from the East, The Grandmothers from the West, The Grandmothers from the North, the Grandmothers from the South. I call upon the Grandmothers to protect this sacred city of diversity, of many colours, of rainbow warriors coming together.
I call upon the rainbow warriors to fight with weapons of joy and beauty, weapons of love and compassion, and create a field of light and wisdom and tolerance to protect this sacred city. To protect all its inhabitants. To protect all its visitors from all over the world. So that a celebration, a celebration of light can start. So the light can divert in all its colours of the rainbow.
May the power of the Arc of the Covenant, that is holding all this light, be released, create an energy field of high frequency, so everyone is brought in this higher frequency of protection and love.
And so it is.’
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