15.10 TIBET, Kailash, The Journey Inside

‘More than anything this is a journey inside. A journey inside of the realms of the bodhisattva’s, who are awaking. So this path is a very individual path, which will bring you to face your own demons, your own fears, your own ecstasy. And in the course of this journey, it’s a process of letting go, letting go of karma from many lives. You can release now. 

This happens in your own individual ways, in your lives, your relationships, your work, your relationship to the world. And thus you will go step by step into the realm of the Jade Palace,  where the bodhisattva’s reside. It is by entering this sacred space that you will get in touch with the Kalachakra teachings about time, about space and about the journey of the soul, through all different lives towards this point. 

So go to the beyond, beyond who you are. Because here is the purpose to release the light of eternal compassion, eternal wisdom, into the physical world. And you are the door. 

Follow the footsteps of the camels from west to east, entering the palace on your knees and walking out with your head held up high, to bring the message to the King, the Emperor. 

Be still in the caves, because it is there that you will get in touch with the ones who went before you. Because you are from the old lineage, you are woken in the old lineage. 

Many blessings and remember, you are the ones we’ve been waiting for.’
