07.28 PALESTINA, Jericho, Next Phase in Evolution

Tuning into the next Healing Conference in Jericho.

‘You are entering the next phase in evolution. The conference in Jericho is preparing the way for consciousness to evolve. Your task is to bring people together to practice this new evolutionary leap of faith, providing the necessary conditions, so spirit can really enter into the earthly plane. 

Jericho is like a cradle, is like a grail, a womb in which the seed of consciousness can grow and start to blossom. This will have huge impact on all systems in human civilisation. Don’t underestimate the work you are doing. And at the same time keep on smiling and enjoying the work. Bring playfulness and humour to this gathering. It is about the sun rising. The heat of the heart, the heat of the soul, of the alchemical process, of the soul work that is being performed – and at the end of the conference spread out into the world. Into the Middle East, but also into other parts of the world. So we would like to invite people from other places as well. It’s a learning school. It’s a creative laboratory of the soul. A cradle of civilisation.’ 

Ton: I feel a strong pressure, a heaviness… 

‘The tension you feel is the polarity of the forces that are at work at the moment. Because while consciousness is bringing a new morning, the night is still clinging and holding on. The dark forces of duality and conflicts that are ruling the Middle East at the moment are still trying to hold on their grip, while the young movement of change and transformation is becoming more powerful. But it’s still fragile. So in this alchemical process you need to work with both: with the power of the old and the tenderness of the new. Both are needed and it is in the connection, in bringing them together, that you are opening the door towards a new future for all involved.’

Ton: I hear: June, June, June. Is it important in which time we are going to Jericho?

‘Yes, it is important, but it is part of a collective process that can’t be controlled at the moment. It is really about being in the moment. We understand this creates difficulty in planning, but just go with the flow. You can decide in the moment. Don’t make it a fixed something. Everything that’s happening in this time is really instantaneous. There is no linear time. There are moments of creation and each moment affects the next moment, affects the other moments. So it’s really important to go with your passion. If the passion is there, then you move. If the passion is not there, if the energy is not there, then you wait. Everything is possible in this time and nothing is comprehensible. If you try to hold sand in you hands, it will fall out of it, it will slip through your fingers. 

Three wheels… Judaism, islam, christianity. Mind, soul and body. Earth, heaven and love. They’re all trinities, and you will be working in the trinities, because from these trinities all other forms will evolve. This is the sacred power of the star of David, consisting of two trinities. The feminine trinity and the masculine trinity coming together and uniting to become one in the centre. This is the work you are doing together. This is the heart of the alchemical process in Jericho.’
