05.28 ETHIOPIA, Lalibela, Be Gentle

‘Be gentle, be very very gentle with yourself. Because over the last few weeks and months you’ve been preparing for this moment. You’ve been working hard to come here. In this point in time and place. So honour yourself for all the work you’ve been doing over the last few years. In preparation, in letting go, in releasing the old. So you can achieve your own mastership. The body needs adjustment tot the higher frequenties and this is what you‘re going through at the moment. 

So know that nothing needs te be done, just to surrender to your own body, to your own emotions and to this great Motherland. Because in being here, in connecting the energies of your DNA, you are building the new temple, the temple of the compassionate heart. It’s not in your doing or in your actions or your words, nor in your physical bones and blood that you eminate the energy of compassionate love. It’s beyond the personality. It’s beyond you –

and still it is very intimate. Because in your most intimate thoughts and feelings the universe becomes physical and tangible. So don’t be afraid to share what is very close to your heart. Don’t be afraid to share your failures, your problems, because they are only the outside surface. 

Welcome to the Great Mother. Welcome to Mother Earth. Just like you reached and landed on Mother Earth millions of years ago and made this your homeland.’
