Sinai to Schiehallion
March 12 – November 12, 2021

‘Your journey into the Unknown might feel like an unknown journey, but it is very well planned out. It is a ‘soul journey’ with a specific purpose to lighten up and activate a higher consciousness in many people around the world. this is what you have been doing through the last 30 years, and this is still the work: to be a pioneer of consciousness by visiting sacred places and opening up the information or wisdom that is stored in these earth powerspots.

Mother Earth is an organic, living creature. that has a lot of wisdom about her own evolution. Human beings are part of that evolution and part of that being. you are little braincells walking on the surface of the planet. connecting several dots, thus bringing information from one place to another. this is like neurons that move through the brain, connecting several parts of the brain and to gather information and create insight, wisdom and understanding. This is what you do physically. The more awareness you have, the more clear your path will be and the more impact it will have. It will create connections, or wires, that create a higher understanding. It is important that you share the journey. They might not understand – just as you – why you are doing this, but it will trigger their heart and resonate on a deeper soul level. So they know what you are doing and they will empower that same movement.

Part of this work is about healing, all the places that are out of balance that have suffered from trauma, wars or painful situations in history. Part of your work is opening up basic wisdom that is stored in places like Sinai. It has the power of the fifth gospel, the fifth element, that has been waiting there for eons to be rediscovered, opened and activated. By bringing that energy towards Israel, the Holy Land, it can take root into the Israeli and Palestinian people. and bring enlightenment and healing and oneness to the situation that has become so divided and painful. This deep wound may be mended in this year.

What you do is connecting the dots, bringing people together, calling out your tribe, and leading them towards this purpose, this destiny of the alpha gate of the Schiehallion in the middle of Scotland. It is here that the clear sword of determination wil come down and bring clarity and inspiration to many people and that will happen on the 12th of november. that is the pivotal time, the a portal in time when this alpha gate can be opened and activated.
we are aware that you might not understand all of this. It is not so much through words or concepts that you know what is going on, but this is wisdom from an energetic level that can only be understood from the heart. It is also wisdom that comes from the future. We are talking to you from the future.

If we are in a dimension, it is the dimension which is outside your time frame. Basically, it is because we can look beyond time and see cause of effect, the law of karma. We are from our viewpoint outside the Law of Karma, so we can give you information and knowledge which might help you to gain a higher frequency of wisdom.

There will be trials and tribulations along the path, but don’t see them as enemies. See them as helpful occurrences to bring you further. Everything on your path is beneficial, is helping you to gain focus and power and wisdom. Nothing is excluded.

The whole universe – with all its good and bad, with all its dark and light – is meant to help you reach your goal. This is the truth for all of humanity. It doesn’t matter how dark it is, how difficult your situation, how much trauma nature or animals or the climate is encountering, it is only there to serve you to wake up to your true potential as creators of this wonderful planet earth.

Go in faith, don’t sit back, raise the flag and step forward…

March, 12th 2021, Vossendries, Belgium