Azores, Faial, May 5 -11

Welcome to this Open Space Gathering in Faial, one of the beautiful islands of the Azores.

We’re living in unprecedented times: everything is changing, unraveling, transforming, like the caterpillar into the butterfly. It seems we are in the crysalis, in which everything disintegrates. The best we can do is to hold space for the changes to unfold in its right time. We heartily invite you for a 6 day retreat on the island of Fayal in the Azores.

Just as in the time of Atlantis – the mythical continent connected to the Azores – we seem to be heading for challenging times. Scientists predict the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean current, which will affect our climate. We will connect to the wisdom of water, to the whales, the dolphins and the water creatures to hold a ceremony for the oceans and for humanity.

It will be a week of inner work, meditation and music, meeting kindred spirits and collective work on the earthgrid around the world. We will work towards a world wide ceremony on Mai 13th  – the day of Fatima – to connect to the Wisdom of the Waters….

Ton & Anne

“While things are getting more and more challenging in the world, there is a need for people who stand as a rock, who are beacons of light, and who know what their mission is. Who are willing to surrender to the voice of their hearts, and take a leap of faith….

This is the time of Kali. Much will be destroyed: much that has been created out of ego reasons, out of selfish motivation, cannot continue anymore because it will become self destructive. It needs to be released, to let go, so the true power of the soul can take over the steering wheel of the planet. Each one, every soul, has its own purpose and role in this plan.

There is so much power in you, so much energy, and you tend to ignore that. To keep on living but not fulfilling your potential, your spiritual potential. There is so much more to express. Surrender to the greater power which is important for all of you.
You have to live up to the greatness of your soul. You have to live up to the power of the energy that is given to you. You are a vessel, an instrument to be used. By not opening completely you abuse your energy and it gets stuck. It becomes stagnant in you. Don’t hold back your power. It is so important that you fully step into this surrendering to your higher power, to the flow of your soul.

So take a leap of faith and realise that you can do so much more than you can imagine, just by trusting the power of the soul. You don’t need to know the outcome, nor the process, nor do you have to fully understand what you are doing, as long as you are opening up to this flow of life. Don’t be attached to the outcome. Be in service of mankind. Open up to the Unknown.’

WHERE: Azoris Faial Garden Hotel in Horta, Faial. A spacious hotel with view on the harbour of Horta and the volcano of Pico.

WHEN: May 5 – 11, 2024
Starting 5/5 with dinner at 6 pm (18:00)
Ending 11/5 at 1 pm (13:00), after the closing circle
NB. On Mai 13 we will do a world wide water ceremony in connection with other groups around the world.

WHO: Facilitators are Ton van der Kroon and Anne Wislez

HOW: We are working with the principles Open Space: read more about it.

COSTS: € 1350. This includes retreat costs + hotel accomodation (in a two person bedroom) and 3 meals/day and a whaletour. Not included: drinks and excursions decided on the spot.

You can only participate for the whole event. All retreats start at 6 pm (18:00) with dinner and the opening ceremony on the first night, and end at 1 pm (13:00) on the last day with a closing ceremony right before lunch time.

Please send us a mail before booking – to –   with a few words why you want to participate, and what your expectations are. When we feel a mutual agreement, you can book your flight and  finalize your subscription.  Your subscription is definitive by paying the full amount of the retreat to bank account: IBAN: NL90 INGB 0008216143, BICcode: INGBNL2A, Tree of Life, Laurierstraat 122, 1016 PR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Please mention the name of the retreat.
NB. In case of cancellation, there is a fee of € 200 one month before the start of the event. After that the whole amount has to be paid.  Possible hotel cancellations should be checked with the hotel itself. Your registration to the retreat will only be confirmed once the payment is received.

The destination can be reached by plane (TAP):
– from Lisbon to Madalena (Pico) and then a short boat transfer to Horta (Faial).
– from Lisbon to Horta (Faial) directly.
In Horta from the boat station to the hotel you can walk (15 minutes).
From the airport to the hotel you can take a taxi (10 minutes) or a bus (20 minutes). TAP air has flights where you can do step-over in Lisbon or Porto.

PLEASE READ THE GENERAL CONDITIONS attentively before booking.




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05 - 11 May 2024


18:00 - 11:00
Faial Garden Hotel, Fayal, Azores


Faial Garden Hotel, Fayal, Azores

Location 2


Location 3
