29.12 ISRAEL, Mitzpe Ramon, The Rose of the Desert

‘My dear children, everything is part of a pattern. Together you will weave a new thread into this pattern, and by weaving this new line, this new colour, you will change the pattern in that respect that it will open up. Suddenly a two dimensional pattern will become a three dimensional pattern. It is like a rose opening, a flower blossoming. That which has been promised for so long will finally come to the surface.

Open the gates towards Africa, because that is where the rose gets its nourishment from. It will be fed by the Dark Goddess, the Black Madonna, to bring depth and healing to this painful situation, which is so torn between two sides. By bringing in the third, which could be Mary Magdalene or Sheba or the Dark Feminine, the two women of Sarah and Hagar can unite, can join hands.

When you open the gates towards Africa these healing goddesses of the south can enter, like Hathor, and Sechmet, and Isis, Joruba… The Dark Goddess brings this present, which is an intense light, to shed light on the wounds of the past, so the past can be released and opened up.

I see a rose blossoming in the desert, the Rose of Jericho, the Rose of Love. And it only needs a few drops of water. When the tears can flow, the Rose will blossom.’
