22.30 SPAIN, Merida, The Temple of the Sun

Tuning into the temple of Merida, on Christiaan’s birthday. With Tineke, Christiaan & Anne.

‘Merida was not the original name of this place, which is so much older. Even at the time when the Romans came here it was a place of veneration. A veneration to the Sun God. It is one of the fire temples where the eternal fire was kept. People came here to dedicate and to offer to the fire. It was a round place, like a labyrinth, from prehistoric times. It is this sun veneration, or the veneration of the fire, that has been smothered through history. The fire is connected to the heart, to this divine love, but also a personal love.

We were ancient guardians of this temple, men and women. We were dressed in white, we were the elders, because we were pretty old. Older than your present generation can be. Some of us were 200 or 300 years old.’ (Ton: I even hear thousand…) Because of this eternal fire we could renew ourselves constantly by throwing away old layers of our personality, shedding the skin. So we became more and more our soul beings, which is difficult in this dense reality, because as a human being you need to take form, you need to take a body, so the soul gets cloaked within the body. But the more you become transparant and open up, the soul becomes more visible.

Bring the fire, bring the sun from down, bring it up again so it can shine to the people of this town and of this country. It is the day of the rising of the sun.’


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