06.40 EGYPT, Saint Catherine, The Fifth Element

‘In ancient times we tuned in into the elements: air, earth, water and fire. We did this to awaken the fifth element, the spirit, because without the spirit everything becomes shallow and eventually dies. It is with this soul that earth becomes magnificent, water becomes flowing, fire becomes creative and earth becomes a paradise.

So the reason why you are here is to learn to work with the elements, to awaken and call the fifth element. Because this fifth element will turn fear into love, rigidness into flow, anger into compassion and arrogance into humility. It is this transformation that is so needed at this moment. While you’re in the eye of the dragon, or in the eye of the storm, you are able to call upon the fifth element, this silent tipping point in the middle of everything, thus in the middle of yourself. Know that it has huge power and potential, to put this seed in the middle.

Now this can only be done within the connection between masculine and feminine, within the chamber of the sacred marriage, which is in your heart, but also in your group. So honour the masculine and honour the feminine, and know that it’s in their love and respect that the fifth wil arise and be awakened.’

(April 21)

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