‘As you come to a closure of this journey in the coming few days, you will bring with you the gold of consciousness. By sharing this gold with each other and with the world you open a doorway, a portal, a gate for thousands of people to go through. Do not underestimate the power of your work, your inner work. The goal is nothing less than awakening humanity, raising the awareness of humankind, so people understand who they are and what their mission is on this planet. You are all part of a group soul which has a group mission, which is raising the frequency of consciousness. Being awake, so other people can follow in your footsteps.
The ritual you may do is an offering, just from your heart, as simple as that. An offering for what you wish to see in the world, and everything you wish will be multiplied by a thousand and more. So look into your heart and see what your purest wish is, which can be both for yourself or for the world, it doesn’t matter. And then giving it to the water of the Nile.’
(Ton: Ik zie het eiland van Kalabscha voor me in het Nassermeer, het is alsof je daarmee het hele meer als het ware een soort energie meegeeft. En ik zie nog iets anders…)
‘Connecting with the temples of Nubia under the water there is a power there, which if it is unleashed, will resolve in a quickening of transformation. So call upon the ancient gods of Nubia, the Great Goddess.’
(Ton: Ik zie nu weer de mannen als de vier punten en de vrouwen als de vijf priesteressen. Zoiets hebben we te doen, dat de vijf vrouwen iets offeren en de mannen daar omheen staan. Ik moet denken aan dat Hathortempeltje bij Kalabsha.)
‘So prepare in the coming days for this ritual, because it will define the coming years of your life. It will define the direction of where you are going. It will define the state of the world in the coming months. Involve all the other people who travel with you at home in the preparation of this ritual.’
(Ton: Ik krijg de datum door: 2 december. That’s the final goal.)
(On the boat: between Luxor and Aswan, 29/11/19)
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