ALEPPO, Message from the Sirian Council
“The councils are gathering, the tribes of all nations are coming together to tap into the old wisdom of the Earth that is needed in this time of definite change. Be prepared to open yourself, to be an instrument. This is an invitation, not a demand. So feel in your own heart if you are ready to open up, to step into this flow, because it will ask a lot of flexibility, a lot of trust.
This is a message from the Sirian Council. As you are aware, we are connected to the development, the evolution of your species. Because we are part of you, as you are part of us, like parents and children, you could say. We take care of you. We care for you. Our hearts are with you in this time of change. So we would like to do all we can do to support you and honor your process of collective development.
Now this is not easy, because of the turmoil it will give in your lives. Outer structures and things will change rapidly in very short time. Yet know that beyond outer structures and outer time, there is an inner development, as you know. It is very important to let people know this inner development, so they will be calmed down and not be frightened because of the upheaval.
Indeed we have been on your planet before as the higher beings that are depicted in your mythology and religions. We were called by different names, like the Nephilim. In energetic form we are taller than you, about four meters high, but we have a different energetic structure. We are not as condensed as you in a material sense, although we can make ourselves visible and tangible if we need to. But it’s not a very comfortable situation for us, because it brings us down into the realm of duality, which is always more painful, in a way, as you experienced in your lives. But your experience of this duality can transcend a very basic element of the universe. It is an alchemical process that is taking place, to transform darkness into light. Thus darkness needs to be felt and experienced before it can evaporate and become one.
It is us that left you The Book of Oneness and the grail stones, the stones of creation, so your development could start at the earliest times of your civilization. Now it’s a time in which humanity takes a big step in its progress, in which you will move forward. We are happy to be witnessing this, to be guiding you in this process. We would love you to surrender and accept our help and our support, because our hearts are with you and with your fellow citizens all over the world. As we said, we are part of you, as you are part of us.”
Tomorrow we will be going to the heart of the Citadel in Aleppo. Is there a special message for us, or something we have to do?
“We left thirteen grail stones, stones of creation, spread all over the world, so civilization could start to emerge. Because these stones are like beacons of energy and of wisdom. This stone, hidden within the Mount of Ezra, which you call the Citadel here, is the Syrian blue stone of higher knowledge of language, of translation and of communication – also connected to the wisdom of time. Syria was the first place where we landed, where we sought connection. It is here that the footsteps are preserved of our connection, of our common history. Tomorrow is a day of celebration, of opening the wisdom of the stone, so it can be used as a means of communication between your people and ours. Many people of humankind will be able to hear our guidance by opening this place. The only thing you need to do is to be a witness of this process, because it is already set in motion. By being there you translate the energies of higher frequencies into a lower frequency, which can be understood by many. So the stone is like a communication device. It has been distorted and abused, so it went out of order, out of function. By bringing it to the light, it can be of use for its purpose.”
DAMASCUS, The Knowledge of the Black Stone
‘Welcome in Damascus. You are entering the holy gate of the tabernacle, the holy of holiest, which contains one of the thirteen holy stones which have been kept here since many years. It is for you to unlock the secret knowledge of this black stone. Through you as men, as carriers of the light of consciousness, this hidden knowledge can be revealed and come to the surface. So it can start working and emanating its powerful energy, that has been kept under the surface till now, because it is strong medicine. It is strong medicine, because it is medicine of change and transformation and it opens the channel between the unknown and the invisible and the visible world. As soon as this gate has been opened, there will be a strong release from unconscious energies coming into the conscious world, into the visible world. Which means things will start to change, will start to move in a very physical way.
It’s important to connect with the stones, with the physical world here, because in the matter the information is stored – in this building. So sometimes it is good to touch it, so you can feel your way through it. Your bodies will give the direction, not so much your mind. Enjoy and circle around the place, because before you can enter into the middle, you have to circle seven times around – so really to open the subtle layers of this place. Take a lot of time in preparation, also for your physical body, so you can really get in contact with deeper layers of consciousness.
Everything is illusion, not because it is not real, but because it is part of the maya, of the world of images. The work you do is beyond these images, but you need a translation to move beyond it. It’s just like a movie: you’re looking at the movie, but you’re going beyond the movie to get the message. And so you can see everything is part of a story, that is trying to help you to come to the essence of what has been told.”
DAMASCUS, The Thirteenth Stone
“John the Baptist had the thirteenth stone. The thirteenth stone is the stone of one. It contains the information of the Book of One, because number thirteen contains all the twelve elements. All the opposites coming together into one universal theme. From one everything unfolds and everything comes back to one. One is the center going into all directions. There is no north, no south, nor east, nor west, there is only the center, the middle, represented by the heart.
There is nothing to be done. The diffusion you felt, comes from the energy that is moving at the moment you lifted the veal of the grave, entering into the womb of Mother Earth, who holds the power and the mystery of the one. In the heart of the Mother everything comes together. This is the thirteenth missing stone, the thirteenth missing tribe. This is where all people tribes of the Earth are coming together, forming one family, one religion, one mind, one body, one universe. By focusing on the heart of the Mother the one, the Christ, can be born. This is what happened this morning in Syandana, when the Mother energy initiated you all into this Christ consciousness by anointing you. The expected one is coming back. Prepare for a feast of remembrance and reconnection to the one of love.”
Should we do something tomorrow, on the 30iest, in the mosque?
“Queensday is the connection to the feminine. The most important thing was that you connected to the middle earth, the masculine father energy, so the son can be reborn. Tomorrow is about making connections to the outer world and to the feminine, to Jerusalem, which is the queen. If this city of Damascus is the king, Jerusalem is the queen, and she needs to be crowned with the crown of recognition. This is what you can do as men, honoring her, recognizing her power and wisdom. This is the initiation, this is the fertilization. Only by love can she be conquered. This is what has been misunderstood for many ages; people wanting to conquer Jerusalem by force, as men have tried to conquer the feminine by force many, many times. Now this is no solution anymore. Only by the power of mild love, the heart of men, can the mystery of the feminine be opened, be released into the consciousness of the people.
Tomorrow is the day of prayer, of silence, and as it used to be, the seventh day is about honoring the feminine. Don’t be mistaken, change the law back into the original seventh day, the Sabbath, Shekhinah, Shakti or whatever her name was. As man you have to recognize the one day in seven, the feminine. Do you understand what I am saying? Now you understand why a week has seven days. Six days to go around and the seventh day to enter the sacrum, the secret of the Great Mother, the mystery beyond the physical form, the heart behind the matter, the soul behind the world.”
Is there anything more to know about our work in Damascus?
“This work is also about opening the gate towards China and the old line of connection which has been distorted and destroyed. Since there is no connection between the West, the Middle East and Europe and China, this creates a lot of unrest. While there is an important wisdom to be opened in the Chinese culture that until now has been suppressed. So just by being in Damascus and find joy, you will be able to lighten up, to open the gate like you did in Bucharest. By putting the stone in the water, you change the course of the river. This will finally change the essence of the ocean. Don’t underestimate the small changes you make, these are of vital importance. It is not in the great and big plans that things move on this Earth. It is in the very small intentions, in a full and thoughtful and joyful act, that things change on a broader scale. This is the law of Hermes Trismegistos: as above, so below.
ALEPPO, The Abuse of the Grailstones
“The grail stones of creation have been abused and distorted by the masculine power of force, because these stones were used as the feminine principle of creative power. But they were of course very attractive to people who wanted to use them for their own benefits. Let’s be clear, there is not only masculinity in men, it is also in women. So it is in all of you, and it is to all of you to lift the veil of darkness, so the stones of creation can be brought together again and can do their work. Don’t be afraid of the new power of the light that will emerge from this movements of unveiling. This is the time of revelation, speak forth, speak out, because your time has come, and the Great Goddess will return in her original form and stand strong. Lift the veil.”
Ton: “Syandana, Aleppo, Samarkant, Jericho, Tripoli, Bagdad, Orval, I hear thousands of names of places that will be enlightened…”
“… So people can again step into the source of the Great Mother and they will be connected as one. Because it is the time of the awakening of one within the many.
Welcome to humankind, on the brink of Earth lifting to a new level of consciousness, in which you will really be humankind of one planet.
Welcome to the Galactic Federation of interstellar planets who are waiting your cosmic birth in the collective. It is a time to rejoice and to be happy, because you are reaching the point of reunion. You are the ones to herald the good news in this time of so-called darkness. Don’t be afraid, lift the veil.
Welcome in the house of the Black Lady, the Black Madonna. She who has been veiled for a very, very long time with the cloth of death. Now is the time to unveil, to lift the darkness, so that the light of the Goddess can shine again in the hearts of people. She will manifest herself through you.
The Islamic people have carried the wisdom but also the suppression of the dark feminine. The Christian people have carried the wisdom and the suppression of the red feminine. And the Jewish people carried the wisdom and suppression of Sophia, the white feminine, the feminine Christ. They will be the first and they will be the last to awaken to the cosmic field of oneness. You will have to help them, to support them in their revelation, in their awakening, because their sleep has been deep and painful.
It is your task to bring the power of individuality. It is time to return to brotherhood and sisterhood within the separate people of the Earth. And thus the divine can return within humankind. Because in your separation you have lost the connection to both the divine feminine and the divine masculine. But as soon as you will reconnect with your brothers and sisters around the globe, these basic archetypal principles of maleness and femaleness, of Shiva and Shakti, can be embodied again in your physical being and in your spirit. The cosmic marriage, the divine marriage, happens within you as a human race.
Aleppo is like a seed, an egg of fertility, of creative energy, that is ready to explode and come to life, and it will distort all rigid structures that you have created with the mind. Male and female, man and God, this is the ultimate duality to be brought into unity. Go forth with courage, with joy and with our blessing, to crack the egg and to awaken the Goddess within. She is ready to dance the dance of life and death, because one doesn’t go without the other. Blessings.”
ALEPPO, The Release of the Trauma
We feel there is a connection between the citadel of Aleppo and the temple of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. We question what it is exactly.
“The temple of Göbekli tepe is a twin temple with the citadel of Aleppo. They are male and female, black and white. Where Aleppo is connected to the heavenly plane of Sirius, Göbekli tepe is connected to the heart of the Earth. While you have been activating the celestial powers in Syria, which have resulted in an uprising for freedom, in an uprising for justice, an uprising for humanity, the challenge or invitation for Göbekli tepe is to completely surrender. So all the children, who have been hurt, who are in pain, who are in war, can release their suffering. It is really about embracing everything: embracing the pain, embracing the sorrow, embracing suffering, embracing the dead, embracing the enemy.
So it represents the feminine energy that is necessary for the release of all the trauma. This is not only the trauma of this last year, but it is a trauma for eons, of strive, of conquering, of feuds, of competition. This is really what is needed in this time: that everything is held in the embrace of the Big Mother. So people can release their fears and their pain. Both are needed: the warrior energy of the light of the Shamballah warriors, and the deep nourishment of and the surrender to the Great Mother, to the darkness – so it can return to where it came from. The great play is over. It is time for a new dawn, time for a new beginning. So creation can be ignited again.”
These temples were places of creation?
“You have to understand that there is a large reality beyond your reality. It is what you could call an energetic reality, that is underlining your material reality. Your material reality is only the surface of a much larger field. So to bring things into your reality, you need doorways, you need portals to bring them in physical form. This was the original purpose of temples, to open the doors between the dimensions. Do you understand what I am trying to say?
So you are now helping to open portals, doorways, so these dimensions can connect again. If the connection is lost, your planet will be dying. There will be no more food or energy coming from the underlying field into your reality and then things will only deteriorate and die. So it is extremely important that the portals are kept open and are nourished and cared for. That is why the Venus transit as a start of this birthing process was necessary to bring in a whole influx of new creation energies into your new world. So people will pick them up and it will stay in their consciousness and automatically they will start to align themselves and their work and their relationships to support those new life giving energies.
Because most of your planet, most of your consciousness is already infected with the technology of death, as we call it. Because it is not a sustainable life-giving system that has been created and it will have its effect on the human civilisation in the short and in the long term. It needs a whole change or transition of mind to let people understand this before there is no way back. This may sound dramatic to you, but it is only our care for you and for our creation, because we are part of that.
There is so much to explain, but we can go only step by step. And you know the next stepping stones. Contact the Shamans in South America. Talk to them. Ask them for their purpose, learn from their ways. And you will understand your own purpose in life and the things you need to do in the coming future. We are closing communications now. Thank you.”