With the five men of the group after having climbed Mt Catherine in the Sinai desert.
“In the days past long before patriarchy started these were the days of the great Mother Goddess. And what you experienced in these days is the initiation into the dark mysteries. It’s a powerful initiation. But you were all ready for it. You all have done your inner work and that’s why the five of you could make this step into the void. Into the darkness. Facing your own darkness, but also facing the collective darkness. The suppression of the feminine. The fact that the Goddess has been forgotten. This mountain that you call St Catherine, used to be the Mountain of Hathor, the Great Goddess of the ancient times. Hathor was the goddess of healing, initiation and rebirth. But to be reborn you have to diem you have to let go of the past, let go of your hangups, and so you were the first ones performing this ceremony again on this sacred spot. This has more meaning than you can imagine. Because that hasn’t been done for thousands of years. You could only do it by helping each other: five men honouring the feminine by going into the inner world. It is like throwing a stone in a pond. It will ripple for years.
So remember this day. (Laughing, I hear: Remember remember the first of November.) Just like Moses started honoring the masculine, starting a patriarchal religion in this very spot, but then on the next mountain, you will start to honor the feminine. But in relationship with the masculine, because the times to come are about balance. Balancing out the feminine and the masculine, so the sacred union, the sacred marriage, can be manifested on earth. Basically the wars you see happening in the world at the moment are in essence a fight between the masculine and the feminine. If you search deep enough, this is the root cause of many conflicts.
What we would like you to do is to visualize the heart in the mountain, as if deep in the middle of this mount Catherine, or mount Hathor, there is a heart and you are kissing it awake. As if you are standing around the heart, with the five of you inside the mountain, and you make a pledge to honour and protect this heart, this sacred heart.
You will take this energy of this sacred heart with you into the world and bring it to the places where it is needed. Where people need gentleness and softness and the wisdom of the heart. So you are the warriors of the heart, all five of you. Each one with a different mission and a different quality. Remember this day, the first of November.”