Ton, Anne and Nicola in Nicola Amadora’s garden, near Rennes-le-Château.
“Like the Buddha was turning the wheel in his time, you are doing the same here. This whole area is like a big turning wheel. There are many people needed on the spokes of the wheel, to be put in the right place, and then slowly the wheel starts turning and consciousness will arrive, in its proper place. It’s like it’s all been scattered, through trauma, through history, and it’s like a broken mirror. But now as soon as you turn the wheel suddenly it will click and all will settle in its right position and its right proper place.
This is also about the network, the circle of elders, holding the space and taking their position on the wheel. Everyone in their own place, knowing what they have to do to hold their pillar of the temple. Because when the wheel turns, the temple opens and the wisdom of gold will be shining and thriving again. Being shown throughout the world.
Now there is Cathar wisdom, and there is Templar wisdom; the healers and the warriors. But they always worked together. There is always an intertwining between them. You need both: to heal and to set boundaries and to fight. Not to kill but to defend what is sacred.”
To Nicola:
“You have found your spot. Your sacred place, in connection to Rennes-le-Château. By going deep into the earth you will not only find the stories of the Templars and the Cathars, but also older stories of the Visigothic kings and the Merovingians, and even older times. Because this area is laden with layer upon layer upon layer of the same story, repeating over and over again, until the prophecy is being fulfilled.”
Nicola adds:
“Do not try to put the pieces of the shattered mirror together. The mirror had to shatter, for the truth is below, much deeper than that. It had to make a mess for anything new to emerge and to be birthed forth. And you, all of you, are the bringers of the new dawn, into our world, those who dare to turn the wheel. Your labor is needed and your labor is supported. Do not shy away, do not give up, nor give in. Stand in me, the source. Hand in hand, you must rise now, for the wheel must turn. We are all on your side. You have way more support than you realize. Call us in and do exactly what you’re doing now: sit together. For alone none of you can do what is called upon now.”