25.45 UK, Wells, A Gate to the Other World

“Just as in an ayahuasca session you are on a journey, an inner journey, in which you first lose the connection to your known world, the structures you are used to, and more and more you will get in contact with the other world. That’s an inner reality that shines through you and into the outside world. So you become a gate yourself. You become an opening, the doorway between two worlds, connecting the inner plane with the external world.

That is the purpose of your journey, to open up the gate of the North, where you will connect with that which has been frozen in time, which has become stuck. It’s the energies of the western world that have lost the connection to the spirit world and that have to reconnect again. Reconnect to their own source of western spirituality, but have to go beyond that. Finding a path towards that other reality.

And your heart is the compass. You have to feel yourself through it, to find your way. There is no logical map of the mind to show you the way. You can only follow the heart. And it shows itself step by step, moment by moment. The challenge is to trust the process, trust the path you are on. Look at the details and at the synchronicities, because they will help you to show the way.

But also be ready or prepared for the unknown. Everything from the other world that might appear to you, be it light or dark. The only thing you need to do is to embrace it, to open up for it, and let it be. It doesn’t need to be solved nor figured out. It’s like the ayahuasca session; first you have the patterns in the brain that rewire you into another state of awareness, and then the clarity comes. Then you get into this deeper state of consciousness and you understand on a much deeper level what is your purpose and your mission on this trip through life.”


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