37.04 BRASIL, Manaus, Entering the Yoni of the Goddess

Ton and Eran in the hostel in Manaus. Preparing to go into the jungle.

“When you enter the gate of life, you symbolically enter the yoni of the green goddess. It demands of you to surrender, to bow your head in humility and ask permission, to go down on your knees to enter the temple. Here the temple is not a church or a building or a pyramid, but it is the jungle itself, that is a temple of life. It is the physical manifestation of the goddess, through which all life comes into existence. She represents the river of life, the tree of life, the gate of life. 

Especially for men it is difficult to receive her blessing, because most of you are so inclined to be in control, to know it all, to perceive life through the rational mind. But by re-entering the yoni, you will have to leave all concepts and theories behind to receive the mystery of life itself. To know that you are not the creator but the created. Not the one who is in control, but the one who is guided as a child towards the greater mystery. 

When you enter the jungle, leave behind your old concepts, leave behind your old life, let go of your preassumptions or expectations, and just be aware. Open up to the fullness of the experience, to whatever comes your way, be it small or big. You are not in control, life is. Enjoy it to the utmost, because the goddess not only demands humility, but she also gives blissful joy.”
