36.51 PORTUGAL, Ourem, Opening a Gate

At the castle of Ourem, after the cremation of the young “knight’ Peter, who left us the image of Fatima and Ganesh. This is the old place of Fatima, who was called Ourianem. 

“Don’t underestimate what you are doing. You are opening the gate to an ancient time, a time long forgotten in history. This happened over and over again, that the origin of the land, the soul of the land, got erased and the people who were here were smothered in a story that was the story of the perpetrators. 

Ourem refers to a very ancient time in which the gods ruled the earth. The Mother Goddess was present. The Mother Goddess was called by many names, but one of them was Ouriana/ Uriana. She ruled the earth as well as the oceans. But when the invading armies came and conquered everything, she was forgotten. Fatima just like Iria is connected to this ancient feminine power. They were both taken over by the masculine and drowned into the subconscious of history. 

Peter was in connection with this feminine power, with his sensitivity and subtility. That’s why he could not relate to the patriarchal structures. He was a herald of the new time, a warrior of the goddess, a warrior of the heart. And thus he left this place. But at the same time he opened a doorway, a gateway, between the lands and the oceans. Opening up a path towards the future.”

Ton: I see him cutting with a sword through the dimensions. Oh I see… He is like Will in the story of His Dark Materials…

“… opening these doorways of major importance for your work. So that you are able to step through the dimensions and connect them. Connect the different times: the ancient time, the Arab time, the Celtic time, the Roman time, the Visigoth time and the Templar time. Bring them all together, put them all in one circle. Not one above the other, but in the same field. And shoot an arrow towards Brazil, where the future is defined. Create a ceremony parallel to the Climate Conference of Belem, in which you bring all the colors of the Rainbow Warriors together. The indigenous tribes, the artists, men and women, shamans and politicians, scientists and rebels… A family, a brotherhood of men. It is not in the numbers but in the diversity that you will find the oneness. 

Don’t hesitate about your work and purpose. It will all unfold in due time, step by step. You only have to know the next step and take it without doubts – or with doubts, but take it anyway. Opening up a path towards the future.”
