Ton is traveling through Spain. He is in Badajoz, in the Alcazaba, the old alcazar.
“Time and again people gathered at sacred places, because it gave them power and nourishment and connection with the earth, in a very profound and physical way. It realigned their bodies and their souls to its proper purpose, to be an instrument in the greater plan. Like being a cell in a body. Each cell knows its proper function and its proper place and thus the whole organism functions well. It is the same with Mother Earth, as all the cells, who are human beings, know their own mission, know their own place and align with it, they co-create within the greater plan of planet Earth.
Now this planet has a specific plan of evolution. It wants to evolve, it wants to experience, it wants to grow spiritually, emotionally and socially, to become a shining diamond in the universe. For humankind this is a challenge in time, to become aware that there is a spiritual path, an evolutionary path, that leads to a more enlightened human being. For this people have to give up their own ego strategies, their defences, their nationalistic impulses, their tribal feelings, and recognize that we are all part of one greater family of humankind. And that we together have a specific mission, to make a leap into the unknown. To follow the path of the heart and to become one. One spirit, one body, one mind, one heart.
This is not to say that there aren’t differences and a uniqueness of each person, each colour, each tribe, but together they form like a symphony, an orchestra with many different instruments. Instruments of love, instruments of power, instruments of wisdom, instruments of art and humor, instruments of faith and of science, instruments of many kinds, that together form the symphony of love.”