22.11 SPAIN, Madrid, Puigdemont

Tuning into Puigdemont, with Anne, Tineke and Christiaan. He is caught by the German police to be delivered to Spain.

‘We’d like to talk to you from a higher perspective of Spain. Puigdemont is actually a sort of homeopathic medicine, so he has to return to Spain, even in custody, because his process will ignite a kind of healing and transformative process within the country. Probably he will be brought to Madrid and this is exactly where your work will be in the coming future and in the summer, when you will travel to Spain and Andalucia. You will have to go to the heart of the Mother, Madre. It is here that you can undo the power of the negative feminine, working in the state and in the church, having power over all their children, locking them into a matrix of control and suppression. It is in this heart that freedom begins and that change is about to happen. So again you will work with the energy of the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene or Mary, to purify the feminine, purify this power structure, to bring it to the heart. From the third to the fourth chakra.

There is a specific church in Madrid, dedicated to the Mother, where the whole system is anchored. It’s your task to unleash, to undo this anchoring, so it becomes free. It’s like a ship, you lift the anchor so it can start moving. At the moment the whole power grid of Spain is anchored into this church and it is by releasing this dark force that the whole of Europe can start to breathe again to open up to a higher spirituality, to a higher dimension of love and freedom, and to the true religion, the connection with Christ and Mary Magdalene, the divine feminine and the divine masculine.

Puigdemont is the kind a lamb brought to the altar, the sacrificial lamb that suffers in service of his people. What you can do is hold his energy high, so his soul knows the purpose of his mission.’


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