Tuning in to the coming week in the Pyrenees. Ton hears the voice of the Great Mother.
“Ohlala, you have been delving into the underworld and encountered many of your own demons, but also the demons of the world that are roaming free during these times of change and chaos and darkness. It is not easy to go down into this pit of dark energy, but it is here that the gold lies, the gold of wisdom, of deep insight and of transformation. But now it is time for you to come back to the light, to reach out again, to connect to friends and to your spirit guides. Because if you’re too long in the darkness, your soul might get lost. To do the alchemical world you need to connect darkness with light, you need to bridge both. Only then can you see the way forward, the way of the heart. Black and white and red.
It’s this way forward, the Red Path, that is the theme of the week in the Pyrenees. It is the energy of Pyrene, Lady of the Mountains. It is her firy energy that kindles the soul, that awakens the heart and that calls for passion. It is the same awakening that is happening in Paris during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on July 26th. It is this unification of countries and nations that is needed to level up to a higher frequency for humanity. The notion that you are all connected and part of one family, one race: the human race.
You might get stuck in the duality of black and white, which is happening to most of you and to most countries. This causes war, conflict and strive. The idea that there is only one truth, or one narrative, or one hero, and on the other side one villain – or one lie. People tend to get split in this dualistic thinking, this black and white thinking. While you need many colours of the rainbow, to gain insight into the reality of this time. So your meeting in the Pyrenees might be a colourful one. Bring all the colours together. The green of the earth, the blue of the water, the red of fire, yellow for the sun, black for the moon, white for the clouds, orange for the flowers, grey for the donkeys… and so many other colours. Mix them all and you will use them as tools for your group process. It is this alchemical process of mixing all elements that will bring enlightenment and change.
This is something you cannot do with the mind, because the mind won’t understand the process. You can only do it with the heart, that is capable of holding many realities and many opinions at the same time. Come back to the Mother, come back to the Source, come back to the esoteric tradition of people like the Cathars, or the Essenes, or the Templars… that brought this ancient knowledge into the world throughout the ages.
Remember your spiritual family, remember your tribe. This is what you are here to do.”